Sims 2 Brandi Broke Personality Disorder

  1. Brandi Broke Jobs Sims 2
  2. Sims 2 Brandi Broke Personality Disorder Criteria

Tabby: 🎵 In restless dreams I walked alone
Narrow streets of cobblestone
Beneath the halo of a street lamp
I turned my collar to the cold and damp

Dustin Broke is a pre-made teenage male Sim, living in Pleasantview with his mother, Brandi Broke, younger brother, Beau Broke, and an unborn baby brother. His father, Skip Broke, is deceased, having died in a 'suspicious pool ladder accident' shortly after Dustin became a teen. He has messy blonde hair, wears a gray 'Llamas' sports jersey, red sweat pants and black shoes. When first played. In Sims 2 Apartment Life, why don't the child sims in the other apartments go to school if your sim family you're using has kids who go to school? Brandi Broke starts The Sims 2 pregnant. Yet according to her Memories, she had Beau after Skip died, and she doesn't have a Memory of having WooHoo with anyone else.

Tabby has been outside since the birth of the twins, and genuinely nothing seems capable of enticing her indoors.

Just where do YOU TWO think you’re going, looking suspiciously like you’re holding hands from this angle???

Oh. Going outside to stare at the animals. That’s okay I guess.


The following day Lucy brings home Isaiah Gavigan. This is getting ridiculous now, another Viper Canyon boy, wearing the same exact outfit as yesterday’s Gallagher Newson?! TRY HARDER LUCY

Brandi Broke Jobs Sims 2

Everything’s coming up Jen Burb! (Told you she was back at work the next day. I have no idea how.) Smart investing AND a promotion make for a delighted Fortune sim.

Lucy: Mommy, I am so proud of you for setting an example to me by working hard on your charisma skills and getting all these promotions. FEMINIST FAM!

Smart investing and a promotion AND an autonomous hug from Lucy! Could Jen’s day get any better?

Sims 2 brandi broke personality disorder dsm 5

I just…


(Rolls away from computer screen)

If I hear chimes I’m putting them back in the Family Bin.

Thankfully no chimes, but adorably, Lucy rolled a want to gain a charisma skill point – presumably to be just like Mom. Now, it appears there are no tools for actual children to build their charisma (toddlers and teens / adults, sure…) apart from these podiums which can only be achieved through career rewards, so… I cheated. Look, Luce has me wrapped around her little finger okay?

Lucy: This teleprompter’s amazing! I feel so mature all of a sudden!

Uh, Luce.

Lucy: 🎵 I got cuuuuuuurves, they’re multiplyin’!

Yeah, I’m so sorry I didn’t give you a birthday party or anything, it’s just that –

Lucy: No you’re fine, I’m a relatively shy and pretty lazy Knowledge sim, parties aren’t my thing unless I can gain access to the good liquor.

Oh you’re a Knowledge sim, that’s nice! What’s your LTW, read 50,000 novels? Watch a million films?

Lucy: Haha, I wish! You’d think so with my pre-destined hobby, right? Nah, I wanna become like a game designer or something.

Dude, that’s so meta.

But that Brandi Broke ’do has got to go. We want you to inherit at least SOME of your mother’s assets.

Lucy: NOICE.

I have this habit where I try to keep sims in a similar color scheme to the one they first appear in the game in, just to limit those endless outfit choices from my endless CC download sprees. I’m kinda the same with their hair – Lucy starts life as a kid in an updo, so she remains in an updo, but I wanted one that felt more authentic to Jen’s genetics so that she doesn’t feel so John-cloney, hence these lovely curls.

TABBY IS RE-ENTERING THE HOUSE! It’s a Christmas Miracle! (Cece’s damn onesie seems to think it’s Christmas anyway.)

Sims 2 Brandi Broke Personality Disorder Criteria

Lucy: Mom! Let me borrow that swimsuit!

Jen: Paaaaahahahahaha, that’s a good one Lucy! *wipes tears * You crack me up. Besides, you want no part of this swimsuit nor the hot tub right now, let me assure you.


Dreams of impressing Meadow Thayer by wearing a sexy bikini at the Pleasantview High Swim-A-Thon dashed, Luce turns to her tiny siblings.

Lucy: Hey now that I’m bigger, I can throw these little peanuts around! Yo Patty! When you’re older, if you ever look under my bed or read my diary out to your friends, I will murder you in your sleep, diaper-butt!

Lucy: You? That Goopy-ass-lookin’ Alex Goth isn’t good enough for you, Cece. Nobody is. But if you must marry him, take him for all the simoleons you can get, and please steal me one of his dad’s good telescopes. ’Kay thanks.


Presumably everyone in the household forgot about Isaiah Gavigan’s presence because Mother Mary comes marching into the Burb residence, all the way from Viper Canyon. The first thing she does is score minus points with Tabby, so she’s dead to me. TABBY HAD JUST RE-ENTERED THE HOUSE for the first time in five million days.

However, Jen seems to like her because she responds positively to Jen talking about herself, so…

… we have an autonomous hangout on our hands! In dresses! Which means:

Mary: I love your underwear!

Jen: I love yours!

*I* personally love that like most cats, Tabby is insistent on getting all up in the personal space of the only person who’s ever expressed a dislike for her.

Tabby: I’m going to climb all over you because your aversion to me makes you monstrously attractive 💘

John: Our child has entered the terrible teens! And you made a new friend! And you snapped right back into your pre-baby rockin’ bod! I love you!

Jen: Yaaaaah! Surely nothing can dampen our happiness.


I got Mary out of there as quickly as possible because John’s not allowed to have impure thoughts about ANYONE but his beloved Jen, and sure enough, Jen started serenading him.

Jen: 🎵 Ohhhhhh how we daaaaaanced on the niiiiiiiight we was wehhhhhhd…

Lucy: On the one hand I’m glad you guys are giving me this great example of how marital happiness is a thing, but on the other, you’re both the worst.

Lucy: Hey wow, today’s homework seems piss-easy now.

Yes, you brought it home as a child, and now you complete it as a woman. Well, almost.

Lucy: Plus I’m a Knowledge sim, so I’ll literally scream with happiness every time I do homework.

I’m not sure that’s quite how it works, but okay…

John: That mean Mary Gavigan doesn’t like you huh, Tabby-Wubs? And that draws you to her somehow? I kind of know what you mean…


Lucy was lucky enough to transition to a teen on a Friday, which meant that the next morning, a quick use of the buyable crystal ball resulted in a visit from her beloved and very compatible Meadow Thayer, first kiss of so many Pleasantview teens.

Lucy’s still working on her seduction technique.

Meadow: It took me hours to get my hair like this you prick 😡

I’m imagining here that Lucy’s just blurting out the words from her Scope Room interaction clumsily into Meadow’s face, which works well.

Meadow: Meadow *is* hot, thank you!

There’s nothing I love more than the little ‘yessss’ that some sims do after their admiration of another sim has gone well. I’m still not sure which personality points contribute to it, because I’ve noticed that Johnny and Ophelia over in Strangetown do it too, and all three of these premades have pretty different personalities to one another.

Lucy: Hey you wanna see my newly-matured bedroom? The yellow of the walls is nowhere near as lovely as the yellow of your hair.

Meadow: Yeah, flattery is the way to my heart. LET’S DO THIS SHIZ

Lucy: It’s everything I dreamed it would be! We’re married now.

Meadow: Wait, that’s not really how this works –

Lucy: AGAIN!

Lucy: NOM

John: Oh hey Jen, ’sup?

Jen: Not much, got promoted again, pretty standard. Where’s Luce?

John: Upstairs with her sweet schoolfriend Meadow, probably braiding each other’s hair and pillow-fighting, lol. GURLS.

Jen: Hang on, the one she’s in love with? Did you ask her to leave her door open?

John: Whut 😐

Jen: Oh good, they’re down here playing rock paper scissors, that’s far from sexual. Hey everybody, come see the twins grow up!

Tucker II: Nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope – if I stay safely up here, my ears will remain unchewed.

Jen: Alright my little wudgy Pattycakes, I’ve ignored you for three days and now it’s your time to shine!

Ee gads, John Burb keeps giving Meadow THAT LOOK. It’s like he knows something.

John: My beautiful innocent baby…

Meadow: Yah he’s so cute Mr Burb! He’ll make such an adorable toddler!

John: No you harlot, I meant –

Lucy: OH MEADZ you saying such sweet things about my brother makes me want to eat your face again.

John: No –

Meadow: Time to grow up, nooboo!

The Boy: No… no, stop… put it back… don’t want… not ready…

The Boy: Aaaggghhahhhh! Wait… that wasn’t so bad. And my hair is actually curly!

Yisssssss… wait until you see his transition outfit though.

I’m dying.

I’m screaming.

The Boy: MY DADDY IS A NATURE SIM, so I wore this just for him. I still idolize him even though he dumped me on the floor and lost me twelve times.

Yeah Patrick, that’s just classic Family sim-drome.

Meadow: Hey Mr Burb! See, I’m great for your daughter! I autonomously love your cat!

John: Quiet, strumpet, it’s time to see what this one turns into!

Literally, when did Jen get into her bikini again?!

Jen: I’ve got it, so I’ll flaunt it.

I have no caption for this. It’s the best picture I’ve ever taken. Stick a fork in me, I’m done.


I’m not saying she was bred and named just to become betrothed to Alexander Goth, but the fact that Cecilia transitioned into an EFFING HALLOWEEN OUTFIT cements it don’t you think.


Tucker II: Why did I come downstairs. Why. This is my life now isn’t it.

Tabby: At least yours is hugging you, hound, mine is PLAYING ME LIKE A VIOLIN – get OFF me beast

NO. John Burb, I said NO. Get rid of that ‘Have a Baby’ want right this moment before I find the nearest cowplant, satellite, rod of lightning, ladderless swimming pool, room with no doors, ghost…

AUTONOMOUS TODDLER HUGGLING IS THE GREATEST – maybe this signals hope for a rare example of twin BFFs in this game (given they share genetics with the Pleasant twins, it’d be nice to see some harmony; Dina and Nina start out as acquaintances, which is somehow worse than enemies, the Cordials had to leave town because they used to be so shitty to one another, and don’t even get me started on Aldric and Almeric ‘can’t have a conversation without minus points’ Davis).

That hat with its sticking out curls feels like it was designed for Patrick, while I just had to nod to Cecilia’s supernatural transition outfit; she’s essentially dressed as a tiny witch now, all the time. Because reasons.

Wow, I think that’s the longest I’ve ever spent with the Burbs in the 10 years of playing The Sims 2. How about we head somewhere else next, eh? Yeah? YEAH.

Brandi died, age 76. Her live-in toyboy, Clay didn’t survive much longer. As he mourned for Brandi, and went crazy, he forgot about some food in the oven.

After his ‘treatment’ he was so tired he went to bed. When he woke up again, the kitchen was no more:

Clay subsequently starved to death. Just as he collapsed a pop-up said he had the day off. What a relief.

Nancy dropped out of university and headed back home. Clay had swept up the ashes as he starved, so Nancy just had to replace everything in the kitchen.

Her half-brother, Johnny Random, headed back home to his mother, Charlotte (nothing eventful had happened to her so no update there).

No update as yet on Nancy’s other brothers and sister.