Mac Lethal Irish Goodbye Download

What I’m Listening To – Mac Lethal – Irish Goodbye

Mac Lethal Achievements. In one minute, he can rap 400 words. Mac Lethal Discography. Men Are from Mars, Pornstars Are from Earth (2002) 11:11 (2007) Irish Goodbye (2011) Congratulations (2016) Mac Lethal Books. Texts from Bennett: A Novel (2013) ISBN 978-1-4767-0687-0; Associated With. He’s from Kansas City, like the Tech N9ne underground. On Irish Goodbye, he keeps doing what he does best: hitting us with deep and compelling verses that center around relationships, hip-hop, and everyday life, set to diverse production that adds guitars and electronic flourishes to the standard boom-bap. Check out 'Vodka Tonic with a Lime,' 'Black Rainbow,' 'Happy To Be Living,' and 'Jake + Olive.' An Irish goodbye is when you just take off without telling anybody and you don’t come back. It’s possible this might be Mac’s last album unless he is just f.cking with his fans (a likely possibility), but it’s that underlying aspect of finalization existing in the concept that cements the notion the old Mac is.

Mac Lethal Irish Goodbye DownloadLethal

By now you’ve probably seen this. Over 17 million have.

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Mac Lethal Irish Goodbye Download

Mac Lethal Irish Goodbye

A lot of people were introduced to Mac Lethal through this video. It was a humorous video and there’s no denying the talent. On New Year’s Eve Mac Lethal released his next full length album.


Mac Lethal Irish Goodbye Downloader

Mac released this album exclusively through Bandcamp and is charging $9.13 for the download. He points out that 913 is his area code so he set that as the minimum but you can always send more. I like how he did it as an exclusive Bandcamp release. If there was a physical copy I probably would have purchased it but Bandcamp allows the artist to make more money of each sale, and that’s definitely something I’m supporting. Here is the link for the download.

Check out the official video for Jake + Olive

Mac Lethal wrote on his Bandcamp page, “This album is for the fans only. I am welcoming all of my new fans with open arms, and also using those same arms to hug my dedicated, long-term hardcore fans. Fans. Friends. Fam. Those guys. This is for them. The fans.” And continues with saying “…this album is straight from the confines of my lovely home-recording set up to your speakers.

Mac Lethal Irish Goodbye Download Free

Mac Lethal Irish Goodbye Download

Mac Lethal Irish Goodbye Download Youtube

Music isn’t dead. Hip-Hop isn’t dead. There’s great music right here.